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Comentarios (7)

Coull - 24 Marzo 11:43

Me distingo por ser una chica muy cariñosa estaré encantada de hacer realidad todos tus fantasías. Soy la universitaria de tus sueños.

Petrich - 16 Enero 14:25

Prostitutas a domicilio alicante numero prostitutas españa.

Pasquale - 3 Abril 15:43

The impression I got is that they're using the term solely in the context of people rejecting those within the binary for that reason and that reason only. I'm neutrois and pansexual, and I get REALLY angry when people give my partner grief simply for being cis-het. The arbitrary Fuck allies attitude needs to stop.

Bresee - 15 Marzo 21:57

Geef Maria een sex speeltje en je krijgt een dijk van een fotoserie. Prachtig en zeker heet.

Holsman - 20 Marzo 20:47

If having sexual preferences makes me a racist, then sign me up for the Klan.

Dell - 9 Mayo 14:38

Huitlacoche is now very VEEERY hard to come by, as the US discovered it, and came to the conclusion that it tastes like truffles. Soon, I will not be able to afford it. FUUUUUU!

Rebecca - 18 Noviembre 17:18

Fuck that bitch