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Comentarios (5)

Santos - 20 Febrero 03:36

Catalana guapisima y super cariñosa!!hago todos los servicios !!los precios son 20 euros 20 minutos, media hora 30 euros y una hora 60 euros!!el franc

Kortz - 13 Diciembre 13:09

De deseo de la cual estas son muy bajos para su primera cita, puede elegir asegurarte de potenciales perspectiva sólida porque esencialmente va a. Obtener una vez tuvo que a través.

Nivison - 23 Mayo 18:11

Do any commentators here listen to Dan Savage? I got the impression that believes women should just deal with the semen because it is a part of being a guy. As if you dislike it are somehow telling the *guy he is gross.В I'm torn about this because I think it would hurt my feelings if a partner felt the need to gargle or something after oral.В I like giving oral but can't stand the taste, texture, or smell of cum.В So guys: would you feel offended if your guy/gal asked you to wear a condom while getting head?

Shan - 10 Mayo 21:49

My teacher did the thing where you chew cheetohs and spit them into cups.

Joanie - 3 Febrero 14:32

Freedom of Speech and Information

Maple - 10 Marzo 12:59

I would have to shoot my self if I had a cock that size